Today We have over 24,000 manuscript, scholars have still not even looked at some of them there are that many. There is more ancient manuscripts of the new testament than any other book
5,300 known Greek manuscripts of the New Testament, another 10,000 Latin Vulgates, and 9,300 other early versions.
Earliest manuscripts of this is of john 18 papyri even earlier dated around 100 – 150 AD
Jose O’Callahan, a Spanish Jesuit paleographer, made headlines around the world
in 1972 when he announced that he had translated a piece of the Gospel of Mark on a
DSS fragment from the dead sea scrolls in quaram, the dead sea scrolls are mainly old testement. This was the earliest known piece of Mark. Fragments from cave 7 had
previously been dated between 50 B.C. and A.D. 50 and listed under “not identified” and
classified as “Biblical Texts.” O’Callahan eventually identified nine fragments. The center
column in the following chart uses the numbering system established for manuscripts.
For example, “7Q5” means fragment 5 from Qumran cave 7 dead sea scrolls
Mark 4:28 7Q6? A.D. 50
Mark 6:48 7Q15 A.D.
Mark 6:52, 53 7Q5 A.D. 50
Mark 12:17 7Q7 A.D. 50
It would also reveal the existence of
the New Testament canon during this early period, with pieces representing every
major section of the New Testament: Gospels, Acts, and both Pauline and General epistles
Acts 27:38 7Q6? A.D. 60
Romans 5:11, 12 7Q9 A.D. 70+
1 Timothy 3:16; 4:1-3 7Q4 A.D. 70+
2 Peter 1:15 7Q10 A.D. 70+
James 1:23, 24 7Q8 A.D. 70+
The fragment of 2 Peter would argue for the authenticity of this often disputed
epistle. The absence of fragments of John’s writings might indicate that they were
written later (A.D. 80-90) in accordance with the traditional dates. With all these
revolutionary conclusions it is little wonder that their authenticity is being challenged.
Magdelene Manuscript
The most significant find, however, is a manuscript fragment from the book of Matthew (chapt.26) called the Magdalene Manuscript which has been analyzed by Dr. Carsten Thiede, and also written up in his book The Jesus Papyrus. Using a sophisticated analysis of the handwriting of the fragment by employing a special state-of-the-art microscope, he differentiated between 20 separate micrometer layers of the papyrus, measuring the height and depth of the ink as well as the angle of the stylus used by the scribe. After this analysis Thiede was able to compare it with other papyri from that period; notably manuscripts found at Qumran (dated to 58 AD), another at Herculaneum (dated prior to 79 AD), a further one from the fortress of Masada (dated to between 73/74 AD), and finally a papyrus from the Egyptian town of Oxyrynchus. The Magdalene Manuscript fragments matches all four, and in fact is almost a twin to the papyrus found in Oxyrynchus, which bears the date of 65/66 AD Thiede concludes that these papyrus fragments of St. Matthew's Gospel were written no later than this date and probably earlier. That suggests that we either have a portion of the original gospel of Matthew, or an immediate copy, which was written while Matthew and the other disciples, and eyewitnesses to the events were still alive. This would be the oldest manuscript.
Dr. Carsten Thiede, also mentions a fragment from the book of Mark found among the Qumran scrolls (fragment 7Q5) showing that it was written sometime before 68 AD chapter 6 verse 52-53 It is important to remember that Christ died in 33 AD, so this manuscript could have been written, at the latest, within 35 years of His death; possibly earlier, and thus during the time that the eyewitnesses to that event were still alive!"
1 corinthians 8 has been dated by scholars to just months after the death of Christ, in the Dublin castle museum lies this amazing fact, it states that Christians believe, jesus died on the cross, rose again on the third.
1st century writers on Jesus who did not think he was divine mainly Romans and Jews
Corneilius tacitius book of annas volume 25
55-120 AD
Conforms jesus lived, formed Christianity, put to death by pontious pilate, it later spread to rome and formed in Judea
Lucian of samosata
Late first early second century
Said the Christians worship a man who introduced there novel rights and was crucified for it
Flvavious josephus
37 – 100 AD
Said jesus existed, both jews and gentiles followed him, was crucified by pontious pilate, he was the Christ, but at first those who loved him did not forsake him and on the third day rose from the grave. This was not a belief of josephus but him writing as a historian of oral tradition of Christians and the apostles
He also mentioned jesus brother james and others was handed over to the council of judges and was stoned for their beliefs Jesus found Christianity. There contains a lot of textual variation within flav josephus, but even if we look at the core of all the manuscripts it confirms jesus lived and died on the cross and Christians followed him.
Christians and Jews Claudius exposed them from Rome, which is also in acts
Thalus and tralles second century reliable historian know to the Romans
52 AD
Mid day darkness during the Passover of the crucifixion, on the whole world appeared a fearfull darkness, earthquarake buildings collapsed, and it appears to me without reason as an eclipse of the sun, according to moon and passion before are saviour falls the day before the Passover. Eclipse of the sun when the moon comes under sun on the 6th hour to the 9th which is what we believe and people were healed lepors were healed the blind could see.
Maraba of superion
Mentioned how the jews were driven out of there land for killing there king as a punishment from god and mentions how the temple and Jeruslaem fell in 70 AD and the jews fled. Jesus was founded of the Christian faith, they look to him there spiritual king.
Christian writers 1st century and early second century
Epistle of barnabas 70 AD
Barnabas 5:13
But He Himself desired so to suffer; for it was necessary for Him to
suffer on a tree. For he that prophesied said concerning Him, Spare
My soul form the sword; and, Pierce My flesh with nails, for the
congregations of evil-doers have risen up against Me.
Therefore the Son of God came in the flesh to this end, that He might
sum up the complete tale of their sins against those who persecuted
and slew His prophets.
Clement of Rome to Corinthians 90 AD early church father lived and was taught by the apostles
Chapter 59
If, however, any shall disobey the words spoken by Him through us, let them know that they will involve themselves in transgression and serious danger; but we shall be innocent of this sin, and, instant in prayer and supplication, shall desire that the Creator of all preserve unbroken the computed number of His elect in the whole world through His beloved Son Jesus Christ, through whom He called us from darkness to light, from ignorance to knowledge of the glory of His name
Chapter 24
Jesus rising from the dead
Ignatious of anticoh mentioned in acts 19 – 20 35 – 100 AD is in the Gospel through all the Churches. jesus is god
69 – 155 AD martyred
to the Church of God sojourning at Philippi: Mercy to you, and peace from God Almighty, and from the Lord Jesus Christ, our Saviour, be multiplied
the didechae 70 AD
the teachings of the apostles to Christians about what to do and not wha to do and to go and baptise in the name of the father, the son and the holy spirit
for any people who have watched old bible found in Palestine it is not a bible it is the teachings of the apostles to Christians who stated the divinity of ChristFootnotes
If you look at your bible at the bottom of the script it states in some manuscripts it says this or that.
Because of this a lot of people then believe the bible is corrupt. It is actually an amazing thing, as it shows we don’t lie about are text. The quaran has hardly any footnotes, not because there is no variant readings as the sana manscript is different to the uthmanic quaran. Its just there is only 7 ancient quarans, as all manuscripts were burnt by uthman.
There is not one identical manuscript, as due to scribal error they will make mistakes. But it doesn’t change what the outline of what the gospels are saying. These variants are no more than spelling mistakes and the replacement of a similar word .e.g. I am eating some food, or I’m currently eating food. It doesn’t change the actual outline. And when it says some, it means some not all, like some people say. Take 20 manuscripts 17 of those manscuripts will say i am eating some food but 3 may im currently eating food.
I get asked a lot regarding mark 16 9 -20, as it is not in the earliest manuscripts. Well the two earliest manuscripts of mark don’t contain it and is most likely not in the originals. But the manuscripts after there are signatures stating not in originals. Mark 16 9 -20 was used for spiritual need to show people miracles that are happening currently as mark write his gospel after Christ rose from the dead. His gospel was most likely written in 50 AD. Mark 16 9 – 20 is actually quotes from luke on acts, pauls epistles and one from james, as i havnt got time read mark 16 – 20 and read these verses Acts 2:1-12, Acts 5:12-16, Acts 19:11-16, Acts 28:3-9, Romans 3:13, James 3:8.
Also regarding john 7 5 not being in the earliest manuscripts, it hasn’t been in any manuscript since the 15th century, when the apocrapher was added to the old testament to form the catholic bible.
Archealogical evidence
- Luke refers to Lysanias as being the tetrarch of Abilene at the beginning of John the Baptist’s ministry, circa 27 A. D. (Luke 3:1) Historians accused Luke of being in error, noting that the only Lysanias known was the one killed in 36 B. C. Now, however, an inscription found near Damascus refers to "Freedman of Lysanias the tetrarch" and is dated from 14 and 29 A. D.
- Paul, writing to the Romans, speaks of the city treasurer Erastus (Romans 16:23). A 1929 excavation in Corinth unearthed a pavement inscribed with these words: ERASTVS PRO:AED:P:STRAVIT: ("Erastus curator of public buildings, laid this pavement at his own expense.")
- Luke mentions a riot in the city of Ephesus which took place in a theater (Acts 19:23-41). The theater has now been excavated and has a seating capacity of 25,000.
- Acts 21 records an incident which broke out between Paul and certain Jews from Asia. These Jews accused Paul of defiling the Temple by allowing Trophimus, a Gentile, to enter it. In 1871, Greek inscriptions were found, now housed in Istanbul which read:
- Luke addresses Gallio with the title Proconsul (Acts 18:12). A Delphi inscription verifies this when it states, "As Lucius Junius Gallio, my friend, and the Proconsul of Achaia ..."
- Luke calls Publicus, the chief man of Malta, "First man of the Island." (Acts 28:7) Inscriptions now found do confirm Publicus as the "First man". (Josh McDowell, The Best of Josh Mcdowell: A Ready Defense, pp. 110-111)
- The five porticoes of the pool of Bethesda by the Sheep Gate and the pool of Siloam mentioned in John 5:2 and 9:1-7 has now been unearthed.
- The pavement (Gabbatha) of John 18:13 and Solomon’s porch in the Temple precincts (John 10:22-23), have been found.
- Archaeologists have unearthed Jacob’s well at Sychar. (John 4:5)
- An inscription found in Ceasarea confirms Pilate’s role as the prefect of Judea during the time of Christ.
- The discovery of a bone-box of a crucified man named Johanan from the first century Palestine confirms the fact that nails were used to pierce the ankles of the victims. Such was the case of Christ, of course, and this discovery is significant in answering the skeptics who believed that the Romans used only ropes to tie the victim’s legs to the cross.
- Finally, in 1990, the burial grounds of Caiaphas, the Jewish high priest, and his family were uncovered. This is an undeniable fact that Caiaphas existed as a true historical figure.
Dead sea scrolls
· 300 years old to 50 AD
· Complete isiah scroll
· Deutonomy, genesis, psalms exodus, Daniel, jeremiah
Is the bible jesus the real jesus?
Certain gospels that never made it into the bible such as the epistle of barnabas, shepherd of hurmus, all say jesus is god and quote heavily from the four gospels we have in the bible, but are opinionted the epistle of barnabas says that the old testament is just for Christians not for jews, the shepherd of hurmus makes opinions on how women should be treated sexually.
Gnostism first came onto the scene in the 2nd century, even though some scholars do date this sect to the late 1st century the earliest being the gospel of Thomas 150 AD, but most scholars state we know they never came any earlier because of the validity of the writing and that it was completely different to 1st century jewish writing .e.g. james white, ff brice, bruce metzger. They alos believe jesus didn’t come down into human flesh he came as just as a spirit and that god is evil as he created such a an evil world, only men can go to heaven, the gospel of judas mentions about the underworld, as jesus is from a spiritual relm and is against the evil god dualism.
Another sect was ebionites or the Nazarenes, which muslims state are the true Christians as they believed jesus was just a profit, which they didn’t. The ebionites were a second century group, not first century. We know they never existed in the first, as not one first century early church father or .e.g. polycapr, ignatious or clement mention them, nor do we contain ant evidence for them in that time period. Yet in the second century they get mentioned by 2nd century historians and church fathers.
Irenaous a 2nd century church father quotes
Cerinthus ... represented Jesus as having not been born of a virgin, but as being the son of Joseph and Mary according to the ordinary course of human generation ... their [Ebionites'] opinions with respect to the Lord are similar to those of Cerinthus and Carpocrates." (Irenaeus, Against Heresis 1.26.1-2).
2nd century historian hippolytus states
And therefore it was, (according to the Ebionaeans) that (the Saviour) was named (the) Christ of God and Jesus, since not one of the rest (of mankind) had observed completely the law. For if even any other had fulfilled the commandments (contained) in the law, he would have been that Christ. And the (Ebionaeans allege) that they themselves also, when in like manner they fulfil (the law), are able to become Christs; for they assert that our Lord Himself was a man in a like sense with all (the rest of the human family). (Hippolytus, Refutation of All Heresies 7.22)
This contradicts the muslim true Christians, as they believed the Christ was a spirit that entered people that god thought was a good jewish man who kept the law, the ebinites believed there were many christs to come and excepted the death and resurrection as we find in Irenaeus, Against Heresis 1.26.1-2 which also contradicts islam.
The gospel of baranbas is used a lot also by muslims, as it mentions muhammed, rejects the death of jesus on the cross, and claims him to be a prophet. It is used a lot in the book by ahmed Thompson and atur uh rahim jesus prophet of islam about how it was accepted by the church father duing the time of codex alexandrius. This is false and the book has clearly been rejected for many reasons.
the gospel of barnanbas was a 15the century gospel and the only copy we have is in Spanish found in Italy.
it does not agree with the quaran it said jesus was the christ not the messiah, they mean the same thing so it was not a jew who wrote it as he would no there the same thing.
we know it never existed before muhammed and is a forgery, because t mentions this within the gospel
In the year 1300 A.D. Pope Boniface VIII falsely proclaimed that the Jubilee should be celebrated by Christians every 100 years instead of 50 years. However the next Pope, Clement VI, changed it back to every 50 years, and so it was celebrated in 1350 A.D.[7] Therefore, in the church's history there is a 50-year period when the Jubilee was thought by many to be every 100 years. The author of the Gospel of Barnabas has unknowingly accepted the Pope's false decree as true and included it in his book. For in the Gospel of Barnabas these words are put on Jesus' lips:
so much that the year of Jubilee, which now comes every 100 years, shall by the Messiah be reduced to every year in every place (chap. 82).
We also find it quotes Dante who was a famous and popular poet of the 14th and later centuries. Among Dante's work is a book of poetry called, The Divine Comedy.[8] In this book he describes ascending through the heavens to reach paradise. Dante describes ascending through nine heavens, with paradise being the 10th.
The author of the Gospel of Barnabas describes, in the same way as Dante, nine heavens before paradise:
Paradise is so great that no man can measure it. Verily I say unto thee that the heavens are nine, among which are set the planets, that are distant one from another five hundred years journey for a man ... and Verily I say unto thee that paradise is greater than all the earth and heavens together (chap. 178).
It appears that the author of the Gospel of Barnabas could have taken the idea of the nine heavens from reading Dante.
The early church
Many people state paul made up Christianity.paul never made up Christianity as i stated people such as josephus in the first century stated jesus was the founder of Christianity and also the disiplces confirmed paul..
The early Christians obviously focused on a single Messiah or Christ, a descendent of king David, whom they identified as Jesus of Nazareth (Mark 8:27-30; Acts 2:36). They clearly saw him as God's cosmic agent, who would return in power and glory to rule heaven and earth (Mark 14:61-62; 13:26-27). They expected that the entire cosmos would come under subjection to him (Phil 2:9-10; 1 Cor 15:24-28)). They remembered him as one who had power over the demonic spirits, over disease and death, and even over the forces of nature. This exalted view of Jesus is well summed up in the Markan version of the disciples' exclamation when he calms a storm on the Sea of Galilee:
The early church was persecuted as it was illegal to be a Christian, many were killed under the emperor nero in the first century. Christians shed there blood for 300 years. They were put on crosses, tortured, fed to the lions, burnt alive, the worst known was the spinning wheel which they stretched the bones and slowly crushed the bones with a rotating wheel. Slowly all because they wouldn’t deny jesus as lord. We find the evidence in many historical works .e.g.
Persecution of christians
justin martyr in the late 1st and eary 2nd century said about the martyring of Christians under emperor nero
Pliny the younger
60 AD – 110 AD
Christians were killed for their beliefs in Christ and were also tortured and would gather and sing to him as though he was a god.
He also said Christians had the choice to go to pagan traditions or back to their Jewish lives and say emperor is lord or be killed and they were killed for not denying Christ
Archaeologists in Rihab, Jordan, say they have discovered a cave that could be the world's oldest Christian church.
Dating to the period AD33-70, the underground chapel would have served as both a place of worship and a home.
It is claimed that it was originally used by a group of 70 persecuted Christians who fled from Jerusalem.
These early Christians lived and practised their faith in secrecy until the Romans embraced Christianity several hundred years later.
This article was found all over the world news and was publish in many English newspapers such as the times, guardian and independant.
The council of nicea was a council on who was jesus, they all agreed believed jesus was divine and all confirmed he fulfilled the law, which completely kncks 7 day Adventists on its head, jesus fulfilled the law he did not fufill ito the compnonent that we still do it. As paul states in romans and Galatians 5 if you serve the law you will be judged by the law, as jesus died on the cross nailing everything to it, fulfilling the law sot hat it is written on are hearts to ever believes in him and excepts him as lord and saviour, through the grace we are saved, so yes that means Christians you can eat bacon. During the first century write up to this point there were 3 sects, the main sect was the orthodox sect which is what we believe today.
The arians believed jesus was created and became the son of god .e.g. the current belief of jehova witnesses. Because this was disregarded due to the fact it contradicted the old testament, the disciples stated jesus existed before .e.g. jesus declared t be the I AM, he stated before abrhama was I am, he also declare din john 17 father glorify me with the glory i had with you before the world existed.
The middle group orthodox believed in who jesus really is that he is the son of god, the third person of the onesses of god, he is a separate person to the father, but enternally shares the essence in the oneness of god is diety.
The 3rd group the eusebians, believed jesus and the father were the same person, which contradicts the whole enw testament as jesus prayed to the father, he stated he would be at the right side of the father.
The council of nicea was nothing to do with making up jesus divinity or the cannon the new testament, as codex vaticanus which is the oldest compiled bible dates to 300 ad and the council of nicea was 325 ad.
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